February 2, 2018

We had to move our clocks forward an hour to be on S. Georgia time. It was another day at sea so it was relatively uneventful. We had two lectures in the morning, one on the geology of S. Georgia and the other on seals and seal lions. We had to skip out of the second lecture a little early because we had signed up for a tour of the bridge. We can go to the bridge pretty much at anytime. The first mate showed us all the instrumentation used to run the ship. Unfortunately we can’t see the galley or the engine.

In the afternoon we had a mandatory bio security meeting. There is a big effort not to introduce any new species on S. Georgia. The whalers brought rats to the island and they are still trying to get rid of them. The rats are very harmful to the penguins and birds because they steal their eggs. We had to have all of our outer gear checked for seeds and our footwear washed. You can image that took awhile for 114 passengers.

After that we had a lecture on whaling.

That evening just before dinner we passed shag rocks. It was foggy so the pictures not great. If the weather had been better we were supposed to see lots of birds around the rock.

That evening we watch the movie “In the Heart of the Sea”, very appropriate timing.

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