March 1, 2018

We had an early pickup this morning because today we are going to Easter Island. Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from Santiago so it was a 5 1/2 hour flight. In fact Easter Island is one of the remotest inhabited islands in the world.

At the Easter Island airport we purchased tickets to the national park and then took a taxi to our hotel. We walked downtown where we found a couple of moai, the monolithic human figures that are iconic of Easter Island. After lunch at a seaside restaurant we explored town a little further. Here are some pictures of Hanga Roa, the main town on Easter Island.

Although we had two days of tours, we decided we wanted to be able to explore the island on our own so we ended up renting a moped. Luckily Rick has a motorcycle license.

That evening we went out for a ride. We were expecting to see moai all along the coast but we didn’t. The island looks very volcanic; lots of black porous rock everywhere. We saw a couple on fallen moai and one still standing.

After our ride we stopped at the grocery store and got some dinner.

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