January 31, 2018

We had another day anchored in the harbor. It was quite windy last night. Winds peaked at approximately 90 miles per hour. The captain and his crew were up all night, keeping the boat pointed into the wind and preventing it from dragging the anchor.

We did not get off the ship today. In the morning we had a lecture on the whales and dolphins that we might see and a lecture on the geology of the region. Two interesting points from the geology lecture.
1. The peninsula and the land are connected but the connection is under water. The land is pushed down under the weight of the ice. If the ice melted the land would rise above the current sea level. Of course if the ice melts sea level will rise too.
2. There are liquid lakes and rivers under the ice.

In the afternoon we had a lecture on Shackleton. That evening we saw part 2 of Seb’s Shackleton recreation adventure.

We were supposed to leave after lunch but we did not. Another ship left the harbor and found the seas so rough that they turned back. Our captain overheard their radio communication and decided to stay put a little longer. We left around 7 pm and it was clearly rougher than when we were sitting still but it was not too bad. They did have barf bag hanging off the railings. I have a half a patch on and am feeling just fine.

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