February 2, 2018

We had to move our clocks forward an hour to be on S. Georgia time. It was another day at sea so it was relatively uneventful. We had two lectures in the morning, one on the geology of S. Georgia and the other on seals and seal lions. We had to skip out of the second lecture a little early because we had signed up for a tour of the bridge. We can go to the bridge pretty much at anytime. The first mate showed us all the instrumentation used to run the ship. Unfortunately we can’t see the galley or the engine.

In the afternoon we had a mandatory bio security meeting. There is a big effort not to introduce any new species on S. Georgia. The whalers brought rats to the island and they are still trying to get rid of them. The rats are very harmful to the penguins and birds because they steal their eggs. We had to have all of our outer gear checked for seeds and our footwear washed. You can image that took awhile for 114 passengers.

After that we had a lecture on whaling.

That evening just before dinner we passed shag rocks. It was foggy so the pictures not great. If the weather had been better we were supposed to see lots of birds around the rock.

That evening we watch the movie “In the Heart of the Sea”, very appropriate timing.

February 1, 2018

We were at sea today.  We had two lectures in the morning, one on the birds of S. Georgia and the other on iPhone photography.

They showed the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” in the afternoon. I watched it because it was a good opportunity to finish the vest I have been working on.

That afternoon, Rick was able to get pictures of birds that were drafting off the ship. One is a giant petrol and the other is a wandering albatross.

The ship participates in four citizen science projects.  These are data collection projects for scientific researchers.  The projects are:

  1. Bird surveys – we counted the numbers and types of birds at specific times and locations
  2. Happy whales – we uploaded picture of humpback whales flukes.  Happy whales then tracks the whales around the world.  We did the same thing for weaddle and leopard seals.
  3. Clouds – To help NASA, we observed and recorded cloud coverage at the same time as satellites were flying overhead.  This allowed the scientists to “look” down and up on the clouds.
  4. Measuring the convergence – We crossed the convergence of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern ocean.  The ocean temperature, salinity, etc changes at the convergence.  The convergence is not at a specific location, rather it moves.  So we measured the water conditions and provided this info to scientists.

We watched the third installment of Chasing Shackleton with Seb that evening.

January 31, 2018

We had another day anchored in the harbor. It was quite windy last night. Winds peaked at approximately 90 miles per hour. The captain and his crew were up all night, keeping the boat pointed into the wind and preventing it from dragging the anchor.

We did not get off the ship today. In the morning we had a lecture on the whales and dolphins that we might see and a lecture on the geology of the region. Two interesting points from the geology lecture.
1. The peninsula and the land are connected but the connection is under water. The land is pushed down under the weight of the ice. If the ice melted the land would rise above the current sea level. Of course if the ice melts sea level will rise too.
2. There are liquid lakes and rivers under the ice.

In the afternoon we had a lecture on Shackleton. That evening we saw part 2 of Seb’s Shackleton recreation adventure.

We were supposed to leave after lunch but we did not. Another ship left the harbor and found the seas so rough that they turned back. Our captain overheard their radio communication and decided to stay put a little longer. We left around 7 pm and it was clearly rougher than when we were sitting still but it was not too bad. They did have barf bag hanging off the railings. I have a half a patch on and am feeling just fine.

January 30, 2018

We were supposed to be at sea on our way to S. Georgia, however, we are staying in the Falklands’ protected harbor to wait until the storm passes. We were tied up at the dock but another ship is coming in and needs the dock so we need to move and anchor in the harbor.

The impromptu program for today is to go to Bertha’s Beach which lies on the east coast of East Falkland. We were on the bus before 8 as they need to move the ship by 8.  It took about an hour and a half to get to Bertha’s beach. Unfortunately our bus had an engine problem and we drove quite slowly. On the way, our guide told us about the islands. We passed the military base which houses about 2,500 military personnel.

Once at the beach it was very, very windy, probably 30-40 knot winds. I walked along the beach with Adam, our bird naturalist, and we saw some coastal birds. Rick found a king penguin and followed him around hoping the penguin would lead him to more penguins but unfortunately he only saw the one penguin. According to Adam, the penguin was about to start molting. They molt once a year and can not go in the water to feed during that time. The molting process takes 3-4 weeks so this penguin will probably get quite hungry. The orange feathers on the chest and head dull just before the molt.

Here are some pictures from the walk.

On our way back to the ship we saw some rock runs. These rock runs form in areas of permifrost. I believe that it is the result of freeze/thaw cycle. Over millions of years the frost melts and the water runs down the hill. Each time the water runs down the hill, it removes sediment and moves the rocks a little bit and eventually the rocks are moved to the water runoff path.  They look like rock pathways.  It’s hard to see but here’s a picture of the rock runs.

We had a lecture that afternoon.

Here are some pictures of Stanley, taken from the ship anchored in the harbor.

It got so windy that evening that we were not allowed on the deck.

Seb, the expedition staff specializing in history, was a member of the team that recreated Shackleton’s sailing trip from Elephant Island to S. Georgia and climb over S. Georgia. PBS made a three part documentary about the trip called Chasing Shackleton. They showed the first part that evening and then Seb answered questions.

January 29, 2018

Durning the night the ship moved to Stanley, the main town in the Falklands, and was tied up on a dock. The town has about 2,500 inhabitants. They recently had a referendum and decided to maintain their status as a British Overseas Territory. There seems to be a lot of resentment of Argentina. One person we talked to spoke about East Chile rather than say Argentina.

The Falklands are self-sufficient and do not relieve on England for monetary support. England pays for the military base which houses about 3,000 people. The Falklands’ economy is primarily based on fishing licenses. They “own” a circle of 200 miles beyond the islands which is very rich for fishing. The second component of their economy is tourism. They receive about 50,000 tourists a year. They generate about 40% of the power from wind. There are no trees so most of he houses are build from kits shipped in from England. There are quite a few areas that still have land mines from the war Falklands war in 1982. They are slowly but surely being removed.

The island used to be quite important during the whaling days. Ships would round Cape Horn which has very rough seas and then pull into the Falklands for repairs. With less traffic rounding the cape most of that business has dried up. There are quite a few shipwrecks in the harbor. I guess the boat owners couldn’t afford to fix the ships so they just abandoned them.

After breakfast we walked 4 km along the shore towards Gypsy Cove, spotting birds along the way. There were Magellanic penguins on the beach but we couldn’t get close because of potential land mines on the beach. Here are pictures from our walk.

After our walk we took the bus, went to town and had lunch at a pub with Forrest and Anna. There was no menu but there were three choices, fish and chips, chicken and chips, and curry chicken and chips. We had a nice lunch and then Rick played darts with a guy from Ireland. Rick won.

After lunch we walked to a souvenir shop because I think I left my hat at the last hotel so I now have a Falkland Islands hat. We returned to ship once our shopping was done.

We were supposed to leave the dock at 4:00. We were out on deck to watch them cast off. We waited and we waited and no action. There was a bird outside the guard shack who was waiting for some bread. After the guard threw some bread to him he tried to fly away and ended up flying backwards because it was so windy. When he tried to walk he ended up walking sideways because it was so windy.

Finally Hayley, our expedition leader, announced a meeting. There was a bad storm with winds over 50 knots headed for the Falklands. Therefore we were going to spend the night at the dock. It wasn’t clear when we would leave the Falklands and the captain would watch the weather and decide when it was safe to leave.

That night we had a speaker from the Falklands give a lecture about the Falklands and her research in the area. They have discovered oil within the territorial sea boundaries of Falklands. Her research is to establish a wildlife baseline and forecast the oil rig impact on wildlife.

January 28, 2018

This morning I removed my scopolamine patch and started to feel better quite quickly.

We arrived at West Point on West Falkland in the morning. Only seven people live on this island and they are primarily sheep herders. Most of our ship mates went onto the island to see the nesting albatrosses and rockhopper penguins as well as to have tea and cakes at a local house. Us kayakers had our first session. Rick and I were in a double and we kayaked for about 45 minutes leaving from the beach. We kayaked along the shore looking at the wildlife. Here are a couple of pictures of the kayakers.

We saw birds and water fowl but I couldn’t tell you their names. We also saw a couple of elephant seals. Here are pictures of some of the wildlife we saw.

After about 45 minutes of kayaking they took us back to the ship where we changed out of our kayaking dry suits and then we went ashore. This is a picture of the buildings along the shore line.

Here are some pictures of the landscape. It was desolate, clearly a harsh environment.

After a 5 minute jeep ride we came to a nesting area for black-brow albatrosses and rockhopper penguins. The babies were relatively mature but most still had their down. They have down to keep them warm when they are babies but must grow feather in order to swim or fly. The albatross babies sit on a pedestal nest. There was a lot of squawking for food. Here are pictures.

We didn’t have time to go to the local house for tea and cakes but here’s a picture of it.

We headed back to the ship in the zodiacs for lunch.

During lunch the ship moved to Saunders Island where there was quite a large penguin colony as well as sheep grazing. Here we saw rockhopper, gentoo, megellanic, and king penguins.

We returned to the ship where we had our daily debriefing and dinner.

January 27, 2018

I didn’t sleep very well last night. When I went to bed the ocean was very calm but I woke up at 2:00am and could feel the waves and could hear the boat slapping the water. When we go on our sailing adventures I usually feel seasick on the first day and then I become accustom to the motion. So I decided it was time for a scopolamine patch.

We were on the boat all day. Here are some pictures of our room and the ship.

It’s about 340 nautical miles from Ushuaia to the Falkland Islands and the trip took about 36 hours. The Falkland archipelago lies 280 miles east of the South American continent. It consists of two large islands, East and West Falkland, and more than 750 small islands and islets.

To entertain us they had two lectures before lunch. One on the history of the Falklands with an emphasis on the 74 day war between Argentina and GB. The other lecture was on the birds and marine mammals of the Falklands. Both were very informative.

After lunch we met with the kayaking guides. They can accommodate 16 kayakers. It seemed that a lot more people would have liked to kayak but didn’t sign up early enough. At the meeting they told us what to expect and then gave us our kayaking gear, including a dry suit, booties, dry bag, gloves, and a life jacket. Here’s a picture of us in our kayak costume.

That evening we had a Captain’s reception and a wonderful dinner. They do not assign you to a table. So it’s a great opportunity to meet people. We sat with a couple from Missouri, Anna and Forest. They are a lot of fun and we laughed throughout the dinner.

All day I was really tired and I thought it was because I had trouble getting back to sleep after I woke up at 2:00am. Also I was really, really thirsty. The ship staff told us to stay well hydrated because the air is very dry. Eventually I figured out that these are both side effects of the scopolamine.

January 26, 2018

At last night’s orientation meeting they told us about an optional trip to Tierra del Fuego National Park. We didn’t sign up for it because we wanted to explore Ushuaia. However after walking through the town last night, we realized that we had seen most of it. So we were able to jump on the tour.

Here are some pictures of Ushuaia taken from our hotel up on the hill. I have circled our ship.

Our guide on the Tierra Del Fuego tour was very good. One of the interesting things we learned about is the problem with beavers. In 1947, fur traders introduced beavers into the area. However because the climate conditions were different from the north, the beaver’s coats were not thick enough and could not be used by the fur traders. So they abandoned the project as well as the beavers. In the last 70 years the beaver population has exploded from 50 to 200,000. They have no natural predators. They fall a lot trees and the issue is that trees grow very slowly because of the harsh weather. The government is allowing beaver hunting in an effort to eliminate the beavers.

Our first stop in the park was a glacier lake. The southernmost post office in the world is located on the shore. Here are some pictures from this stop.

Next we stopped at another lake and took a short walk along the lake where we saw black neck swans. Here are pictures from this stop.

The final stop was at the end of the Pan-America highway which starts in Alaska and ends in Argentina.

After the tour we were dropped off in the town where we went out for a late lunch. Ushuaia is well known for king crab and sea bass. Most of the restaurants have a tank with king crabs crawling around in their window. Our guide recommended Freddy’s Cantina. They had the tank in the window. Rick had grilled sea bass and said it was excellent. I had a salad. We watched other people have crab. They would pull the crab out of the tank and the waiter and customer would weigh the crab and then they would take it off and cook it.

After lunch we went over to the meeting point to get the bus to the ship. Finally the moment we have been waiting for had arrived. We were greeted by the expeditionary leader and had to turn over our passports before being ushered to our cabin.

We had a few minutes to get settled before there was a briefing meeting where we met the expeditionary staff. The staff includes

Hayley Expedition Leader
Adam Expedition Naturalist, specializing in birds
Hannah Expedition Naturalist, specializing in marine mammals
Sophie Expedition Staff, specializing in kayaking
Ewan Expedition Staff, specializing in kayaking
Ashley Expedition Staff
Thomas Expedition Staff, specializing in photography
Jim Expedition Staff, specializing in geology
Tom Ship’s Doctor
Seb Expedition Staff, specializing in history

The ship’s doctor gave us a talk on safety, the importance of good hygiene to reduce an “epidemic” on the ship and, of course, sea sickness.

After the meeting we had our emergency drill. We had to muster with our life jackets in the lounge and then, once we had been counted, we had to go up to our station where we would have gotten into the life boats as they lowered them.

That evening we had a nice dinner. Interestingly they serve everyone at the same time. The seating is open so you can sit with different people at every meal or you can sit alone.

January 25, 2018

Today is a travel day. We flew from Iguazu to Ushuaia, with a stop in Cordoba. The flights were long but uneventful. We left our Iguazu hotel at 7:00 am and arrived at our Ushuaia hotel around 5:00 pm. After collecting our baggage in Ushuaia we were met by a representative from the cruising company who took us to our hotel. Our hotel was quite fancy.

We had a bite to eat at the hotel and then went to welcome briefing at which they told us the details of embarkation. We met quite a few really nice people that will be on our ship. It will be hard to remember everyone’s name because there are 114 people. After the welcome briefing we took a shuttle to the downtown area. There lots of shops and restaurants on the Main Street. Ushuaia has about 65k inhabitants. We walked around the town down area but weren’t hungry after our snack the at the hotel.

We caught the 9:30 shuttle back and had another snack in the hotel.

Blogging break

Today is Friday, January 26 and we embark on the ship this afternoon.  The ship has very limited internet access.  I will be writing the blog everyday but I’m not sure when I will post the entries.  Worst case it will all go up when we disembark.

Meanwhile, GO PATRIOTS.  We won’t be able to watch the game so cheer for us!