May 3, 2019 – Arth, Switzerland

After a good night sleep at Irene’s house, we headed to Lachen to visit Irene’s mother, Pia and sister, Sibylle.  Pia, is going to the Canary Islands and Sibylle is going to Italy, both leave tomorrow, so we made a beeline to to Lachen to see them.  Unfortunately we ended up going through Zurich and dealing with the Zurich traffic, oh well we made it to Lachen eventually…

After a nice visit with them we took the scenic route to our apartment in Arth.  The weather today isn’t so good.  It rained some and the rest of the time it was very overcast.  Our route took us through hillside with many picturesque villages, all very typically Swiss. Here are a couple of pictures from our scenic route. 

We arrived at our apartment. Here is a map showing where Arth is.

The apartment is right on the edge of the Zuggersee.  It’s a perfect retreat for us for the next 4 days (now if we could only get a break from the rain).  Here are pictures of our view and the apartment.

The mother of the house’s owner gave us a complete tour of the apartment.  After getting settled we went to the grocery store and provisioned.  That evening we had a bread, cheese, and cold cut picnic, our favorite.  As the weather cleared a little we even got a rainbow.


May 2, 2019 – Mettendorf, Switzerland

We are off on our next adventure,  I didn’t send out an email because it seems like I always get behind so I thought I’d send an email out at the end of our trip, but for those of you on our blog mailing list, you can follow our trip real time.

Last night we flew from Boston to Zürich.  We will spend two weeks in Switzerland and then go to Greece.  Rick and I will travel around Greece for two weeks, ending up in Athens where we will met up with friends, two other couples.  From there we will pick up a sailboat and sail around the Greek Islands for three weeks (not sure about our ability to blog while on the boat).  We return home on June 23.

Our flight was uneventful although neither of us got much sleep.  During most of our Switzerland visit we will be staying with Rick’s cousin, Irene, who lives in Mettendorf, about 1/2 hour from Zurich. We will borrow Irene’s car so we got the train from the airport to Mettendorf.  Irene had left her car at the train station so we arrived at her house without any problems.  We spent the rest of the day napping and then trying to stay awake so we could sleep that night.