June 19, 2019 Kithnos

We started out day by going over to the dock to get fuel and tying up along side it. It was a little nerve wracking because the water wasn’t very deep next to the quay but luckily it was deep enough.  We called the diesel truck and then had to wait about 45 minutes for him.  We got our fuel and got on our way.

We motored for about 6 hours to Apokrisi on Kithnos. 

The little wind that was blowing was right on our nose so we didn’t bother to put up a sail.  The waters were fairly calm so it was an easy ride. 

Mike, Terry, and Rick entertained us with music, signing, and dancing along the way.  Luckily the autopilot was steering the boat.

This was the anchorage outside the harbor.  we decided there were too many boat so we pulled in further and were rewarded with a beautiful little bay.  

It took us several tries to get the anchor stuck but eventually we got it.  After anchoring Terry and Mike went swimming.

We went to dinner on shore at a restaurant with a lovely view.  We played dominoes and I won one game.

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