June 2, 2019 Sounion

Happy Birthday Dad! 🎂🎈🎁🥳

We had a good night on pier.  We had a little breakfast and were off.  Rick is always a little nervous when we first leave and this time was no different.  The boats were packed in tight but we were able to get away without any problems.

We were headed to Cape Sounion which is on the mainland and the site of the Temple of Poseidon. 

The red flag is the marina and I have circled Sounion.

We put up the main and the jib and were making good time.  We arrived at Sounion and we anchored the boat with the Temple looming over us.  We had a late lunch on the boat.  There were two resorts. The bay had quite a few boats anchored, including one huge yacht.  People from the resort were swimming around the boats.

As it got later in the afternoon the wind and waves picked up.  We were rolling quite a bit but it was too late to move.  We decided we didn’t feel like going ashore to eat so Rick and crew cooked pork chops, potatoes, broccoli, and a salad.  We had quite a feast.  That evening we play dominoes.

Then we went to bed and we were really rolling.  The dishes and glasses were clanking.  It was really unpleasant.  I took a Tylenol PM and eventually got to sleep.  Rick was up a lot making sure that our anchor wasn’t dragging.

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