February 12, 2019 Sailing

We slept until sunrise and were awaken by a recording of chanting monks from the monastery on the hill.  The fishing boats were not back yet.  They came back around 7 so they were out for about 14 hours.  We haven’t figured out the whole fishing process.  The fishing boats we saw yesterday were very small and basic, certainly no refrigeration, so we are not sure if a middle man meets the boats off shore or what.  The village seems too small and remote for them to bring the fish back to town for distribution.  We waited for the morning weather report and based on it decided to go to Ao Check Ki or Captain Hook’s Bay on Koh Kut.  We motor sailed there, pulled in and got anchored.  Here are pictures of the bay.

Rick went for a swim and then we dinghed into the resort for lunch.  We had a nice lunch at Captain Hook’s Resort. 

After lunch we were going to explore the resort when Rick noticed our boat was rocking a lot as a result of the swells.  We decided it would be too rocky to sleep so we needed to move.  We motored a little way down the coast back to Bang Bao which is a very protected harbor and not vulnerable to the swells.  

We anchored near another boat from the same charter company.  The charter was captained by the charter company’s director who had helped us through our motor issue.  We dinghed over to say hi and he invited us onboard.  His guests were the owners of a catamaran charter company in the Seychelles.  The boat was a 2019 45ft Bavaria, a beautiful boat.  He and Rick swapped sailing stories.  He grew up near the Whitsunday Islands in northeastern Australia.  He told us about watching humpback whales giving birth there in September. Sign us up!  His guests woke up and told us a little about the Seychelles-another place to add to the sailing list.

Then we went ashore for a drink and to watch the sunset.  We sat in low chairs in the sand, had a drink and some appetizers and watched the sun go down.  It was gorgeous!  

Then we came back to the boat and relaxed until bed.

Another rough day in the Thai islands

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