February 8, 2019 Bangkok to Koh Chang

We were up very early to get to the airport in time for our 8:30 flight.  Lin, George, and Margie came with us.  We got checked in and found the lounge where we relaxed and ate breakfast with Lin. Too soon we had to say good bye to her.  She told us that in Buddhism you can add salt by doing bad things that give you bad karma or you can  you can add water by doing good things that give you good karma.  The goal is lots of water and little or no salt.  Lin is a wonderful person with lots of water and very little salt.  I’m going to miss her.

Our flight to Trat, in southeastern Thailand, was uneventful.  Our taxi was waiting for us and took us via ferry to Koh Chang.

Once on the island the ferry took us to the supermarket.  This supermarket was recommended by our charter company because it had good variety, but it sold most everything in bulk.  I had to buy 5 lbs of sugar in order to have a lunch title sugar for my cereal.  Oh well, we will give the extra away. 

Then our driver took us to the marina where we loaded our stuff onto the boat.  Our boat is a 2008 37.5 ft Catalina named Vague a L’ame. After stowing the groceries we met with Phil, the operations manager of the charter company.  He gave us a chart briefing, telling us where we could and couldn’t go, and a little tidbit about each harbor.  Then he came and reviewed the boat with us.  

At that point we could have left but decided to spend the night at the marina. We just wanted a little time to get situated.  They moved us onto a mooring ball so we would be out of the way of boats coming in the next morning and so that we would be a little cooler.  Here’s our view of the base from the mooring and other boats waiting to be chartered. 

We went to bed early, it had been a long day.

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