September 1, 2018

We started the day with a game drive.  As we were leaving the camp we could hear a male lion grunting.  Our guide was able to find the lion.  He was patrolling his territory, grunting and roaring to warn other lions to get out of his territory.  Most of the lions we have seen have been sleeping but this guy was a lion on a mission.  Shortly thereafter we saw three female lions with four cubs that were probably about 4 months old walking along.  We don’t know if it had anything to do with the male lion’s patrolling.  

Chobe is a national park which means no off roading is allowed and we could only look at the animals from the road.  All our our previous camps were private reserves which allowed us to go off road, over bushes, etc. in order to get close to the animals.  It also means that there are many, many vehicles all jockeying for a position to see the animals.  When we saw the lion there was a traffic jam of trucks trying to see him.  

During that drive we also wild dogs, adolescent hippos play/fight in the water, warthogs, and a lilac breast roller.  Here are pictures from the drive.

Just before lunch we went for another boat ride and saw pretty much the same things we had seen on the previous day.  Here are a couple of pictures of the boat.

That afternoon we went out on a game drive.  We saw another pride of lions which consisted of three lionesses, four cubs, and two adolescent males whose manes were just starting to come in.   That afternoon we also saw a hyena who was eating a bone and wild dogs which are very rare.  Here are some pictures that game drive.

That evening we had dinner at the hotel and went to bed.

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