October 2, 2022 Praslin, Seychelles

Not much to report today,  The base was a hive of activity.  There were two more charters going out today and of course they had to finish up the briefings from yesterday.

We got our chart briefing this morning.  When we were planning this trip we expected that we would be spending a lot of time exploring islands. At the chart briefing we learned that we could not anchor overnight at many of the smaller islands.  Some are private, some just don’t have a good anchorage spot and some are too exposed to wind and waves. Instead it sounds like we will doing day trips to  visit these small islands to see beautiful beaches and enjoy some great snorkeling and then returning on one of the main islands to spend the night. 

Here is a map of the Seychelles. 

Just for reference we landed on Mahe, the main island and then took a ferry to Praslin, the location of the Dream Yacht Charter base.  After the chart briefing, we think we will spend roughly a week in La Digue, a week in Praslin, and a week in Mahe.  Expect to hear about a lot of snorkeling expeditions and maybe even some underwater pictures thanks to Randy’s GoPro. 

After the charter briefing we had the boat briefing.  There were a few issues which we got squared away by noon.  The biggest disappointment is that we don’t have a freezer. During our sailing trip in New Caledonia we had a freezer and bought food for the whole three week trip when provisioning before we left the base.  We won’t be doing that this time. 

During the boat briefing, Nile came by with 2 fresh jackfish which he cleaned on the dock.  We ended up giving one of the fish to the guy giving us our boat briefing because it was just too much food.  We expected to be able to freeze some of the fish but that’s not going to work. 

Rick spent that afternoon getting familiar with the electronics and making a plan for our departure to La Digue tomorrow morning. 

Rick made one of his one dish wonders, chicken with curry seasoning, roasted potatoes and roasted tomatoes. It was wonderful.

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