June 15, 2019 Ios

The wind was still blowing pretty good this morning.  Rick and I went into town to get some breakfast.  After breakfast we were relaxing when Rick noticed that our swim platform was going to hit the pier.  He hustled off the boat and tried to hold the boat off the dock.  I quickly got a fender off the side and tried to wedge it between the swim platform and the concrete pier, unfortunately not before we dinged the corner of the swim platform.  The other side has  been patched so clearly it’s not the first time it happened.

We were drifting back to the pier because our anchor had slipped.  We quickly released the lines and pulled up the anchor.  Then we remoored the boat.  Mike had gone for a walk and so we were down a person.  Terry stayed on the dock to catch the lines as we came back in and Joanne was on the anchor so it was Kay and me on the boat handling the lines.  We did it and got safely reanchored but not before we had a few tense moments.

Then we watched as one of our neighbors pulled their anchor to leave however their anchor was stuck on something.  We were afraid that our anchor was lying over their anchor but it turned out that it was caught on a rock.  They had to call a diver who dove the anchor and released it.  Of course we had to watched the whole thing.

We also watched the ferries arrive, dock, and depart.  Some of the ferries were huge as you can see in the picture below.

After they sailed off Rick and I walked up to the church overlooking the marina.  Here are some pictures from the walk to the church as well as pictures of the church.

We came back to the boat.  In the morning Mike had climbed up the hill to the main town and he said it was interesting, my book mentioned it as well so I decided I would go up there and check it out.  Rick wanted to stay with the boat  because he was concerned the anchor would slip again.  I ended up taking the bus up and down the hill because it was pretty hot.  I was pleased with myself that I managed the bus on my own.  Here are some pictures from my walk up in the main town.

Meanwhile Rick and Terry were helping other boats come in and watching as the anchors on other boats were slipping.

That evening we went to dinner in shifts so we always had four people on the boat.  Although by the evening the wind died down.

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