June 14, 2019 Ios

We were up early because we were planning to leave by 7 however another boat was over our anchor.  So we had to wait until 8:30 before they were up and then the guy didn’t want to move his boat.  Eventually Rick convinced him he needed to move.  We were on our way by 9:00.

Rick had decided that the anchorage in Santorini wasn’t secure enough to handle the upcoming winds so we decided to go back to the main port of Ios.  That had the additional advantage of allowing us to get more diesel fuel. We motored up the coast and pulled into the harbor.  There was a lot of activity in the harbor so we had to wait until a couple of other boats left.  Mooring the boat was difficult and we had to try twice before we were in.  We got the boat situated and then called for the truck to come deliver oil to us.  Once we were situated we had lunch and then I walked around town.  There really not much to see.

I came back and relaxed until later that afternoon when the marina came over and told us we were taking up to spaces and needed to move over.  That was quite an effort to move the boat over laterally but eventually we got it.

That evening Rick and I went out to a very nice dinner in town.  By the time we went to bed the wind was really blowing.  Always a little nerve racking to go to bed when the wind is blowing so hard.

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