June 10, 2019 Tinos

Last night it was super windy.  I woke up several times to the howling wind.  The boat was being pushed around by the wind as much as it good be considering our mooring.  Rick got up at least once to check that everything was ok.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, Kay was making bacon.  Yum! 😋 We had a big delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast.

After breakfast we applied for an international drivers license for Rick so that we could rent a car.  While we were waiting for the license to come through Rick and I swabbed the boat. The license came through and we went across the street to the car rental agency.  Just Rick and I were touring the island.  Terry, Joanne, Mike, and Kay had decided to stay in town and explore. We got a little Fiat Panda and off we went.  Here is a map of our route.

Along the way we saw dovecotes which I didn’t know what they were.  They were places for pigeons to nest because the islanders wanted to use the pigeon dung as fertilizer.  In the past they ate the pigeons too but no longer.

As we traveled up and over the mountains in the center of the island the wind got even stronger.  At one point I wanted to get out of the car to take a picture and the wind was so strong that I couldn’t open the car door without Rick’s help.  Rick thought it was somewhere around 45 knots of wind.

We had lunch in a beautiful bay on the northeast side of the island. 

Here are some other pictures of our tour.

The car company gave us explicit directions that we needed to fill up the car before bringing it back.  We stopped at a gas station which was on a hill just before town and watched the attendant filled the tank, however when we started up the car it wasn’t showing as full.  We told them about it at the car rental office and they told us it wasn’t full because we were on a hill when filling, who knew a hill would make such a difference.

We got back to the boat around 6. Since we had a big lunch we weren’t hungry for dinner so we stayed at the boat while the rest went to dinner.  

Here is a movie that I took in an effort to show how windy it was.

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