May 1, 2018

We had breakfast with Roberto.  We invited him to come to Boston so I think he’s going to visit in September.  We said good bye to Roberto and set the gps for Vevy which is where Rick’s cousin and Sylvia’s sister, Yvonne, and her husband, Remy, live.   

We arrived there just before lunch.  Their house is on a hill and has a great view of Lake Geneva.  We visited for awhile and had some lunch at their house.  Then we went to visit Chillon Castle which was about 15 away.  

Excavations of the castle carried out from the end of the 19th century affirm that this site has been occupied since the Bronze Age.  The oldest parts of the castle have not been definitively dated, but the first written record of the castle is in 1005.  In its current state, the Castle of Chillon is the result of several centuries of constant building, adaptations, renovations and restorations.  The rocky island on which the castle is built, was both a natural protection and a strategic location to control the passage between northern and southern Europe.

Here are some pictures of the castle.

That evening we went out to a little local restaurant where we ate salad and fried cheese balls.  It was great.

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